Today, we would like to discuss with you an interesting phenomenon that we shared with our readers in the free newsletter last month, which is that of market deceleration.
Early July, our proprietary software warned us that markets have been decelerating time-wise. Now the question that we would like to pose to you here is whether this is in fact the case of markets decelerating or rather of time accelerating! Furthermore, the market deceleration pace increased drastically in August compared to July!
There are a few theories that may be able to explain this phenomenon (some of which quite outlandish we must admit), but we are rather interested in hearing from you. What are your views on these two issues? Send us an email with your thoughts by clicking here.
OK, back to market behavior now!
The markets rebounded nicely last week as per our forecast that was shared with our premium members ahead of time (see the snapshot of the top portion of the premium newsletter that went out on August 23rd below). However, do not be fooled by that rebound, as the warning for market whipsaws is still in effect and last week’s rebound was only a part of it!
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