As our subscribers have seen in their copies of the master market forecast, this week was forecasted to see the US equity markets dip below the June 9th low, and that is exactly what happened!
The markets have been sliding down since the June 22nd top and tumbled today just in time to form that lower dip with the S&P 500 losing 2.1%, the Dow falling nearly 350 points or 1.9%, and the Nasdaq shedding 2.4%!
Towards the end of the trading day today, market analysts went on to attribute the drop (ex-post) to investors’ concerns over Greece closing its banks and limiting the amount of cash that its citizens could withdraw from them after the bailout talks broke down this weekend.
With access to our forecast ahead of time, our subscribers did not need to wait for the outcome of the bailout talks (or any other news for that matter) to expect such a market behavior and to position themselves to take advantage of the predicted market drop!
Needless to say, our S&P short position from 2,125.40 on June 23rd has been VERY profitable!
A word of caution here. Over the next few days, we will be sailing through some turbulent waters (i.e. choppy markets). So, be very careful with how you position your trades.
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